Technical tips for ELISA Assay

Technical literature

In this page you will find the wells technical tips for ELISA of Biomat’s microplates that will help with your analysis. For any further question don’t hesitate to contact us.

The area covered by the liquid is the one effectively involved in the reactions.
At each level, the total area includes: the bottom surface, which is the same for every level, and the wall surface, which is variable.

The optical path is another important feature, since it can affect the results of the O.D. reading, sometimes giving a false impression of higher or lower sensitivity.
A smaller diameter of the well means that the same quantity of liquid will reach a higher level, so that the beam will have a longer path through the coloured liquid. Obviously some other factors as:
– the shape of the meniscus of the liquid
– the exact alignment of the light beam so that it passes at the very center of the well which is the low or higher, depending upon the wettability of the well
– the wettability itself affects this value, so these figures are intended only to be indicative

Level ml Optical path mm Bottom surface mm2 Wall surface mm2 Total surface mm2
100 2,98 30,68 61,27 91,95
200 5,98 30,68 117,37 148,05
300 8,97 30,68 176,05 206,73

*data refer to 96 Well Strip Plates.

Discover Biomat’s most requested ELISA 96 Well plates:

Check out Biomat’s ELISA Plates for ELISA Assay kit.