Maleimide Coated Plates

Maleimide Coated 96 Well Plates are suitable for assays requiring site-directed orientation of particular biomolecules.

The surface of Maleimide Coated Plates offer a powerful instrument for binding biomolecules containing free sulfhydryl groups (e.g. peptides that contain a terminal cysteine or thiol containing haptens), or reducible disulfide bonds that are difficult to coat onto polystyrene plates...
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Biomat Maleimide Coated 96 Well Plates are made in Transparent, White and Black Polystyrene and can be used for quantitative and qualitative immunoassays like ELISA, Chemiluminescent (CLIA) , Luminescence (LIA) and Fluorescence (FIA) assays.

Jacalin Coated Microplates are pre-blocked in order to minimize any non-specific binding and to ensure long-term stability.

Maleimide Coated 96-Well Plates formats

Maleimide Coated 96-Well Plates are offered in 3 different formats for maximum flexibility:

The well can have a volume capacity of: 

  • 350 µl,
  • 360 µl,
  • 400 µl.

Biomat Maleimide Coated Plates main features

Biomat Maleimide Coated 96 Well Plates are suitable for ELISA Assay Technology and others immunoassays due to these features:

  • they are ready to use
  • they are manufactured under ISO:9001 guidelines
  • they are made in pure polystyrene with low fluorescence
  • the mould design provides optical quality, important to reduce the background signal
  • the wells inner bottom radius edge improves the efficiency of washings
  • the external lid warrants vertical alignment when using single microplate wells
  • they are equipped with alphanumeric coding for easy well recognition
  • the rim protects the external face of the bottom from scratches
  • the microplates comply with SBS standards and the design assures a good performance in automatic processing plant
  • all lots are tested for uniformity and reproducibility
  • the Certificate of Quality is released for every lot
  • for Research Use Only